IEEE Global Communications Conference
9-13 December 2018 // Abu Dhabi, UAE
Gateway to a Connected World

WS-03: WEHCN - Wireless Energy Harvesting Communication Networks

WS-03: WEHCN - Wireless Energy Harvesting Communication Networks

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Energy supply to mobile devices has always been a crucial issue faced by the development of wireless communication technologies. Recently, wireless energy harvesting (WEH) technique has emerged as a new viable solution to extend the lifetime of energy-constrained wireless networks and has been regarded as a key enabling technology for truly perpetual communications. With this WEH technology, wireless devices are enabled to harvest energy from RF signals broadcast by ambient/dedicated wireless transmitters to support their operation and information transmission. The WEH technology has been expected to have a wide range of upcoming applications (e.g., RFID, body area networks, wireless sensor networks, Machine-to-Machine communications, the Internet of things).



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